Thursday, May 12, 2011

Creative Connections

I just read a great article from Inc. magazine about a new breed of social entrepreneurial ingenuity. The exemplary company used was the Mozilla Foundation. The article says that in 2005, the non-profit Mozilla Foundation created a for-profit subsidiary called the Mozilla Corporation, to handle the web browser's success. Why haven't more businesses used this?!

I think this was an ingenious idea that definitely has the potential to be an answer for more non-profits to emerge in the future. As each company needs something, it seems like the other can assist in some way. When the non-profit needs some funding, the for-profit can make a donation and when the for-profit needs to expound on its philanthropic activities, it doesn't have to look too far for help managing its charitable efforts.

Now, there are some areas of gray, especially when it comes to the MONEY! There has to be tons of documentation for IRS so that there won't be any discrepancies as it pertains to money changing hands. There needs to be separate boards and management staffs that have to sign off on every transaction. In other words, a lot of paper work!

This is some info that I will definitely be keeping close to me. With creative relationships like these between businesses, the possibilities are endless for those who want to make social change and become wealthy while doing so.  The type of things that people create when they want to make things happen is amazing! Check the full article after the jump.

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