As you all may know (or may not know), I love to work with youth. I feel that it is one of the most gratifying experiences you can have. I work in an all boys high school In North Philadelphia right now and I am getting a first-hand glimpse of how severely they need guidance and attention. I made a promise to myself that one day I am going to create a business or foundation that caters to youth. There are so many ideas that I have but one day soon I will fulfill them and provide kids with options and resources that some might not have had access to before.
As I was looking for my next career move, I came across an organization and an entrepreneur that is doing what I aspire to do: offer youth options to success. Mrs. Christine Carter-Davis is the CEO and President of The Against All Odds Foundation. This Newark-based company was designed to assist at-risk youth get to college and overcome daily challenges. In an article in the Essex Times, the 28 year-old married mother of two explained how her background made her passion to help children with similar dispositions even stronger. Her organization provides many services including family success center for parents and tutoring services for the students to ensure academic success.
Mrs. Carter-Davis' foundation is a testament to the determination and passion that can create businesses. Her experience as a young girl led to her organization's success and dedication to make sure that the fight for "educational inequality," will remain strong. This proves to me that my goal to become a social entrepreneur and create businesses that revolve around helping adolescents become successful. Mrs. Carter-Davis, I salute you for following your passion and making it a reality. Keep up the good work.
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