Monday, November 29, 2010

Fear: Part 2

Everyday we go out into the world to face our fears and each day we overcome some and gain new ones. This process is just a part of life. I have faced a few in my hiatus from writing but I have also conquered a few. For instance, I did not want to admit to myself that I already knew what I needed to do to take the first step in becoming a real estate investor. My fear was that I would get sucked into the facade of making money and forget what my focus was. My REAL fear was that I was scared of becoming a salesman because that's not something that comes natural to me.

I have begun to be honest with myself about why I won't take chances to do things that can help me become successful. The more I assess these issues, the more I'm starting to purposely put myself in these situations to learn new things. Realizing that learning from failure and mistakes makes successful people opened my eyes to all sorts of opportunities. It's like losing weight. You can research and plan the perfect workout plan and diet but until you eat right and exercise it just looks good on paper. Here are some simple steps that might help you take that leap:

1. Be Honest. Honesty is the best policy and the more you are honest with yourself, the better you can plan and execute ideas that better suit your path to success. 

2. Don't Follow the Leader. When it comes to your journey, it is YOUR journey! There's nothing wrong with studying those who have come before your or taking great advice but at the end of the day YOU have to sleep with your decision. Create your own path.

3. Take a Chance. You will never know if you can do something until you do it (notice that I didn't say try because you either do something or you don't). Do something new everyday, even if it's something small. Those small victories will help build your confidence and build your skills as an entrepreneur.

4. Be Consistent. The easiest way you learn how to do something is by doing it. Over and over again. Practice makes permanent so the more you do something, the more it becomes a habit.

5. Live. It's okay to take a break and give yourself time to rest. Your body can only take but so much and it needs to recharge so don't overwork yourself.

A great article about personal branding was written my friend and entrepreneur Sakita Holley called, The 10 Rules for Building a Successful Personal Brand

Make something happen today and continue to dream.

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