Jim-"I have an idea! I'm going to invent a square wheel!"
Sean- " Why not put the square on top of the wheel so that you can ride it?"

Jim- "No, no. I got it! Even better. Why don't I put the square on top of the wheel so people can ride in it?!"
Sean-" I just said that."
We come up with great ideas everyday. Some of them are just wishful thinking, others have paved the way for the advancement of human kind. When it comes to business though, you don't always have to invent something brand new. You don't always have to create something that " no one has ever seen before." Sometimes you just need to innovate. Make improvements to an already existing idea. Find your niche in the market that you choose and become an expert at it.
Musicians do it all the time. There are plenty of people who make music but there are many genres, styles, and variations that you can specialize in. Just make a decision and improve upon it. Find your own lane to put the wheel in. I'm in the process of doing that with my real estate venture. It's a lot easier said than done but it CAN and will be done. I just need to take it to the next level. All you have to do is make it happen people!